Sunday, July 03, 2005

Caves and College

A tour I was very interested in was of the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs. Guided tours aren't available on Sundays, but the public facilities were open so I did a self tour and bought a few souvenirs from the store.

Olympic Strength

At the base of the Olympic Strength sculpture are plates for the various sports. I searched around until I found my two favorites: triathlon and vollyeball.


I crossed to the other side of the welcome center and walked around a sculpture garden where informational plaques for the sports are displayed. I was shocked to find out the triathlon sign at the Olympic Training Center lists the wrong distance for the swim - it says 1.2 km swim instead of 1.5 km swim!

I also drove by Prospect Lake, expecting to find a small urban lake similar to Green Lake in Seattle. Lindsey mentioned there were drainage problems and she described it as a "tub of goo". I parked and walked up to a fence, and was quite surprised to find "tub of goo" was not at all accurate... because there was no water at all! Prospect Lake is currently completely drained. Instead of water there were several parked bulldozers and hundreds of rolls of tar paper. Clearly, the city is regrading the bottom of the lake, resurfacing it to prevent leaks, and eventually will put water back in (or wait for it to rain?) and Prospect Lake will exist again.

Prospect "Lake"

Afterwards I had lunch with Steve, another friend in the area. We had a nice Mexican lunch and chatted - it was great to meet in person after chatting online for a while.

I met Lindsey again and we drove out to see Cave of the Winds. Unfortunately, the longer and more adventurous "Lantern Tour" was sold out until later in the evening, so we did the Discovery Tour instead, which was about 45 minutes of walking around and looking at various cave formations.

View from Cave of the Winds

Cave Formations

To wrap up the day we took it easy and went on a walking tour of Colorado College. For dinner we ate at Old Chicago's, and played a few games of pool.

Shove Chapel

On the Colorado College campus.

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