Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Reclining Buddha

Reclining Buddha Head
Originally uploaded by klbarrus.
The Reclining Buddha is enormous - the head rises 15 meters above the ground.

Reclining Buddha Feet
Originally uploaded by klbarrus.
Each foot is 3 meters high and 5 meters long.

Reclining Buddha
Originally uploaded by klbarrus.
A friend took this slightly fuzzy picture of me, which shows how large it really is! The total length is 46 meters.

Pot of Coins
Originally uploaded by klbarrus.
For a donation you receive this pot of coins. By the side of the Reclining Buddha are 108 small pots, one for each auspicious sign of the Buddha. The tradition is to toss a coin into each pot, thus blessing you to live to be 100+ years old!

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