Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Vacation Reading Material

Today was just a bunch of errands, from visiting the bank, to cleaning and laundry, to packing (well that isn't quite finished yet), to stopping the mail, etc. One thing I spent some time on was selecting reading material for the plane trips.

I have the thick Lonely Planet China book, which will keep me occupied. But I also want to bring along other reading material. Plus, my bookshelf is jammed with novels I have been meaning to read.

So while I have many books I'd like to read (Cat's Eye by Margaret Atwood, Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy by John Le Carre, Lurulu by Jack Vance, Frek and the Elixir by Rudy Rucker, The Tour by Dave Shields, and many many others) I can't take any of those with me! Why? That is because I expect those books to be really good and earn a spot in my library, while the ideal novel to take on a trip is "disposable" - the kind I don't mind leaving in some distant hotel or airport when I'm finished with it. :)

So after combing through my "to read" section, I picked out Positively Fifth Street by James McManus, and Deception Point by Dan Brown. I'm expecting to be entertained by them, but they don't seem like novels I will really miss if they don't return with me. If I'm wrong and these books just blow me away, I suppose I will lug them back.

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