Sunday, May 07, 2006

SeaWorld Run

Sarah told the track group that SeaWorld was holding a small "education fund" run this morning, and invited everyone. The race was cheap at $10, and that included a T-shirt! Of course, the only size they made was Large. Five of us from the track group signed up (Chris, Mark, Sarah, me, and coach Dave) and met in the parking lot.

This race was small - 40 to 50 people or so. I'm not sure it was advertised much outside of SeaWorld employees. The age divisions were (male and female): under 18, 18-30, 31-50, and 51+, which goes to show how small this race was!

The course was a loop around the parking lot, and then a loop through the park. We started and I found I was in the lead by the first turn in the parking lot, and was still in the lead entering the park. However midway through the park 2 guys passed me and I struggled to keep them in sight. They wound up finishing 10 or 15 seconds ahead of me.

My time was 15:50, and someone's Garmin measured the course to be 2.3 miles. That's a 6:53 pace, pretty good. We all joked afterwards we were pacing ourselves for a 5K, and if we had known it was really only 2 miles, why then we would have pushed harder.

Still, I was very pleased. I finished 3rd overall, and 2nd in my division. Chris, Mark, and Sarah also finished in the top 3 in their division, so all in all it was a very good outing for the track training program. :)

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