Friday, July 01, 2005

Closing the IMCdA 2005 Chapter

Jen asks "how does it feel to close this chapter?", referring to my IMCdA 2005 blog.

Well, it feels really good. It felt great to set a distant and challenging goal, and methodically work towards it. It felt great to take a leap-of-faith on myself and sign up, not really knowing if I could train enough, stay healthy, show up, participate, and finish. The training was all relaxed, and other than sometimes having trouble finding the time to do it, it was very enjoyable. I looked forward to all the swim and bike workouts I did with others.

The timing of this also seems appropriate. When I moved to Washington, I struggled to run one mile. Before I moved away, I completed an Ironman triathlon. So over my years in Washington, I certainly got into better shape.

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