Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Representatives of the player's union and management met, to talk about the 2004-2005 NHL season. I'm not at all optimistic, but there is still a shred of hope as the NHL hasn't officially cancelled the season.

At this point, 2/3rds of the season is over, so even if the two sides reach an agreement and salvage a skeleton schedule, there would be maybe 25 games. If half are home and half are away, that means we would be looking at 10 or 12 home games to attend, which in turn results in about 3 games I'd get tickets for. Of course, having such a short season would make the playoffs a joke, but if they played and I could attend the games, I'd go.

My friends in the season ticket pool are voting on what to do with our money, which is held by the Canucks. If the season is officially cancelled, we can opt to leave the money there for next year, or get a refund. I voted for a refund, figuring I'd want to see what happens in the event of cancellation - many players may leave for leagues in Europe, diluting talent. Plus, there are things I could spend the money on now, instead of leaving it in some account that probably doesn't bear interest. ;)

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