Thursday, October 27, 2005

Seattle Surprise

Francesca invited me up to Seattle to attend our bowling club "reunion", and run in the Dawg Dash. I thought about it for a bit and decided, what the heck - time for a little vacation! It would be fun to see everybody, laze around for a long weekend, and participate in the Dawg Dash. So I requested a few days off work, bought tickets, and flew up this afternoon. We decided to keep my visit a secret, just so I could surprise people at the bowling alley.

I wound up flying Southwest Airlines, an airline I rarely use. One problem is the multiple stops they make for flights of any distance, and another is competition - Alaska Airlines offers a direct flight from Orlando to Seattle, for example. Even flying to Southwest's HQ in Dallas (near where my parents live) is inconvenient because Southwest Airlines uses Love Field instead of DFW Airport, and has to operate under the Wright Amendment, which restricts direct/non-stop flights to neighboring states. However, this time Southwest had the best last minute fares and the most convenient times, so I chose them.

After a brief stop in Kansas City, the flight continued on to Seattle, where I was greeted by a low 50's overcast slightly drizzly day. Exactly what I expected. ;)

I bought dinner for us at Zao's, a Asian restaurant in the University Village I really like. After eating, we stopped by the Pro Sports Club to squeeze in a treadmill run and then showed up at Sunset Bowl in Ballard. Mike and Alexandra saw me in the parking lot first, and then once inside Eric, Krisanne, Wendy, Josh, et. al. were suitably shocked I was there. So it went over just great. :)

Originally uploaded by krisanne.
The Unholy Rollers, courtesy Krisanne

After a warmup game, Francesca schooled us all by bowling a 178, a game that included 4 strikes in a row, and 6 total. I was pleased I broke 100 and managed a 147.

Proof of Francesca's bowling dominance!

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