Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Weather Change

I'm not sure if the cold front that accompanied hurricane Wilma is responsible, but the weather has been quite different ever since it passed over. It is a good 10 or 15 degrees cooler, and 20% less humid... basically now the daily highs are in the mid 70's, the lows are in the low 60's, and it is "only" 60% humid. Along with clear blue skies and brilliant sunshine, this is some really beautiful weather!

I thought the change from summer to fall in Seattle was abrupt, but this was even sharper. Yesterday was almost chilly, and for the first time since I moved here, I dug out my jeans, socks, and a long sleeved T-shirt (!). I had my first hot beverage as well: a grande mocha, non-iced. :)

Today was warmer and I wore a short sleeved shirt instead. It looks like the fall will be a bit like summers in Seattle, and I am looking forward to mild weather until late Spring.

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