Thursday, October 20, 2005

Wilma Update

The good news is Hurricane Wilma has slowed and current forecasts predict it offshore Cuba Sunday afternoon. Translation: weather looks good for the Saturday's events! Sommer Sports issued a brief news release that basically says things look good, except we'll need to see what the governor says/does Friday at 5:30 pm.

A few Central Florida triathletes posted a backup plan - if "we" get cancelled, "we" could do another full/half iron distance event in the Bahamas, the Grand Bahama Triathlon on November 19, since registration is still open.

Now this is an interesting event because it is longer than the usual full/half iron distance. That's right, Grand Bahama rounds up the distances, so the full is an even 150 miles total (2.8/121.4/26.2), and the half is an even 75 miles total (1.2/60.7/13.1).

Why? I guess because they can. Still, it might be handy to keep this event in mind for the future.

I'm looking forward to the half iron distance, because I have a feeling I'll like this more than the full. It should be easier to train for and less grueling to execute. Faster recovery should make it feasible for me to participate in several a year. Woohoo!

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