Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Sports Drinks

These days I mow right through sports drinks. I've been very happy with Powerbar Endurance, and opened up my last can today, which prompts me to make another order. My can will last several weeks (more than the previous cans did since the season is winding down) and I decided this is a good time to try some other brands.

One new one I ordered is Clif Shot Drink. I also ordered some GU2O Sports Drink. When this stuff comes in I'll give it a nice trial.

The most interesting one I decided to try is InfinIT Nutrition. The hook here is the exact formula can be tweaked. Want or need more electrolytes? Carbs? Stronger or weaker flavor? Add some protein, amino acids, caffeine? You can do all that! This of course totally fascinates me.

I first heard of InfinIT from my friend Jen, who swears by it. That made me read the website to learn more, and now I've placed a small order of my own for the lemon-lime flavor.

After creating an account, the web site guides you through a simple series of questions. Do you favor short or long course? Is your sweat salty or not? Do you like weak or strong flavor? Do you cramp or bonk? Instead of yes/no, the website presents sliders for a range of answers, and then formulates a sports drink for you.

The suggested basic formula generated doesn't have any protein, caffeine, amino acid, or anti-oxidant tweaks, and they suggest you try the basic formula for a few weeks before getting fancier. I can't wait to try it!

The only downside is that for obvious reasons, InfinIT is only available online. But that isn't a big drawback, since I order all my sports nutrition online anyway. My local stores charge $30 a can for Powerbar Endurance. Meanwhile, All3Sports charges about $35 for two cans (first one is $20 and a second is $15). That is a enormous savings over $60 for two cans (plus sales tax) that easily makes up for the shipping cost. So I don't mind ordering these items, it just means I can't let myself completely run out.

All these fancy drinks are pretty good, but every now and then I go old school and just have a glass of V8. As a recovery drink of course, V8 is too thick to drink during exercise. ;)

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