Sunday, July 11, 2004


I'm traveling out of town for two weeks for business, and I'm taking a few things with me to do in the evenings.

One activity will be to watch several episodes of a TV show via Netflix. It's great that TV shows are now coming out on DVD, because that lets me get them through Netflix. Add in the benefits of no commercials, minimal wait bewtween episodes (watch an episode or more a day as you feel like it), and convenience, and watching TV this way might become my preferred way to do it!

Through Netflix, I can watch shows:

  • on channels I don't get: Sex and the City, Sopranos, La Femme Nikita
  • I just missed when they were on: Freaks and Geeks, Firefly, Babylon 5
  • I've heard were good: Deep Space Nine, Stargate SG-1
  • I missed some episodes of: Smallville

Anyway, two friends at work highly recommended Stargate SG-1. I found a great fan site, and was shocked to see the show is in its eigth season! There's no way I can start a show eight seasons in and not be completely lost, so I queued up season one of Stargate SG-1 and have 3 DVD's to watch while I'm away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget a laptop for IRC!! :)
